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Altın Ateş Chemistry is on Rise!

Fortune 500 Turkey, which covers all sectors except financial institutions and holding companies, conducted its research. Among the names announced in the 2019 list of Turkey's largest companies, Altın Ateş continued its rise in chemistry and took the 331st place.

Continuing to rise among the companies that are proud of our region's trust and stability, Altın Ateş Kimya A.Ş. keeps climbing among the largest companies in Turkey. Altın Ateş Kimya A.Ş., which has made a name for itself with its increasing trend among the biggest companies of Turkey in the last three years in the Fortune 500 ranking, has managed to increase its trend this year.

Uğur Ateş, Chairman of the Board of Altın Ateş Group, stating that Altın Ateş, which operates in the fields of Chemistry, Plastic Raw Materials, Fertilizer, Agricultural Products, Iron and Steel, Natural Gas, Logistics and Technology, provides the fastest and most reliable service to its customers from the loading and storage areas in  İskenderun-Mersin-G.Antep-İstanbul- İzmir - Bandırma, pointed out that they have one of the largest storage areas in the region, together with their sales offices in Iskenderun and Istanbul, as well as a total of 2 Type A Bonded Warehouses in Iskenderun and close to 100,000 square meters of open/closed warehouses and silos. Emphasizing that he believes that the economic recession that comes with the (Kovid 19) pandemic process that Turkey is in will be overcome as soon as possible, Uğur Ateş said that they will continue to contribute to Turkey's economy and employment in 7 regions and 62 cities.